Test results for Nottingham City Council
According to our records, this website hasn't had a major update since it was first registered with us - webteam members can update this information themselves.
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Totals | Navigation | A-Z | Site search | Readability | Score | Tests | ||
Total scores | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Number of tests | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Usability Index (total score ÷ number of tests) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
About the scores
Each task can be tested according to five different criteria - navigation from the home page, navigation using the A-Z directory (where present), searching on Google, searching using the site's internal search, and the readability of the page. Scores are assigned according to 10 = Very easy, 8 = Easy, 4 = Difficult, and 1 = Gave up. As more users complete any given test, the score for each aspect of each task becomes a mean average of all the individual testers scores, and thus the more tests are completed the more reliable an indication of the usability of the website can be seen. The total scores in the table are thus the sum of the averaged scores for the whole suite of tasks which have been tested.
The Usability Index is the sum of the scores of all the tests which have been carried out, divided by the number of tests which have been taken for this council, resulting in an index score between 1 and 10, with 6 being the score which a nominallly usable website with room for improvement might be expected to achieve. If any criteria have had fewer than 15 tests, or the site as a whole has had fewer than 50 individually tested items, the final Index scores are shown in a grey background to indicate insufficient testing for the result to be a reliable indicator.
The Importance column shows the mean average of how important all the testers considered the ability to complete this task to be, ranging from 0 = Unimportant to 5 = Very important.
Specific comments made about this council
Address - change mine on council systems - 2018-08-13
A-Z Index wouldn't transfer between pages
Antisocial behaviour - complain about it - 2014-12-17
Option to report ASB at bottom of page, past content about applying for a asb trigger. Once link found form easy to complete, although large amount of info required.
Council housing - apply for it - 2015-01-09
The process was easy and all raods lead to NCH Homelink organisation for Social Housing in Nottingham. Homelink web site is easy to navigate in simple language
Council news - find it - 2014-12-17
Link on homepage. Easily visible.
Death - register one - 2014-12-08
The page was easy to read in terms of language used. However, as a VI user I found the fonts and style of the page more challenging, as I do for the rest of the website. There are no options to change the colour or font size and a larger/bolder font would beneficial for most visitors.
Leisure discount card - apply for one - 2014-12-08
just about impossable
Intranet search, google and web a-z all used and all led to a dead end
Library book - renew - 2014-12-12
It was easy enough to find the relevant bit of the website; the 'renew' button just didn't work.
Planning committee meeting - find when the next one is - 2014-12-08
This is more formally then my last query-leisure discount card
Read the council's greenhouse gas emissions report for the previous year - 2014-12-05
This is my usual experience with this website.
Sustainability and climate change - find information on - 2014-12-30
Although the Nottingham City site came up easily the full A - Z was not visible on my screen so I typed travellers into the search button. I did find a document on travellers and housing but it was so slow to open I gave up.Googling Travellers Nottingham City Council did get me a document but it was very basic and had no contact details or links to further information
Vulnerable child - express concern about one - 2014-12-08
Not obvious where to report concern about vulnerable child. The 'Social Care' listing in the A-Z of services on the Internet takes you to information all about adult social care. The childrens social care duty function is now under 'Childrens & Families Direct' which has a separate listing in the A-Z of services. Why doesn't this come under social care? A member of the public would not know this. In addition the link on the Internet takes you to information on the Intranet. A member of the public would not have access to this.