Test results for Leeds City Council
According to our records, this website hasn't had a major update since it was first registered with us - webteam members can update this information themselves.
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Totals | Navigation | A-Z | Site search | Readability | Score | Tests | ||
Total scores | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Number of tests | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Usability Index (total score ÷ number of tests) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
About the scores
Each task can be tested according to five different criteria - navigation from the home page, navigation using the A-Z directory (where present), searching on Google, searching using the site's internal search, and the readability of the page. Scores are assigned according to 10 = Very easy, 8 = Easy, 4 = Difficult, and 1 = Gave up. As more users complete any given test, the score for each aspect of each task becomes a mean average of all the individual testers scores, and thus the more tests are completed the more reliable an indication of the usability of the website can be seen. The total scores in the table are thus the sum of the averaged scores for the whole suite of tasks which have been tested.
The Usability Index is the sum of the scores of all the tests which have been carried out, divided by the number of tests which have been taken for this council, resulting in an index score between 1 and 10, with 6 being the score which a nominallly usable website with room for improvement might be expected to achieve. If any criteria have had fewer than 15 tests, or the site as a whole has had fewer than 50 individually tested items, the final Index scores are shown in a grey background to indicate insufficient testing for the result to be a reliable indicator.
The Importance column shows the mean average of how important all the testers considered the ability to complete this task to be, ranging from 0 = Unimportant to 5 = Very important.
Specific comments made about this council
Adult education courses - find information - 2013-12-16
If I'd realised that I was supposed to search for "learning opportunities" it would have been much easier to find. Maybe most people search for "learning opportunities" rather than "adult education"? It still seemed quite hard to find specific information about courses - it was all grouped with jobs and apprenticeships,which were given much more prominence on the site.
Cycling strategy - find it - 2013-12-13
The main heading for the transport section of the site being labelled Parking road and travel rather than the more standard Transport (etc) threw me a little. There may be local evidence supporting the use of non-standard terminology, however.
Top search result on Google actually took me to an internal search engine results page for cycling!
Internal search results were all .pdf documents.
Cycling strategy - find it - 2014-02-20
Fact it was hard to find may mean the council doesn't have a cycling strategy or calls it something different
Local services and information on a map - look at - 2013-12-13
Map services ran very slowly with a generally poor user experience.
Population and census information - find it - 2013-12-13
Seeing a section under Residents called Neighbourhoods I would have expected to have found this information there.
Searches took me to a page which contained the headline numerical population of Leeds, but no detail.
Some references to the Leeds Observatory - how might users know this is a hub of data rather than a place people go to look at stars?
Pothole - report one - 2013-12-13
On the search result page at http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/Faults-with-the-highway.aspx it seems odd to direct users to a different part of the page in the text for the link, rather than just having the link right there.
School term dates - find them - 2013-12-13
I don't think 'School calendar' is the most obvious terminology to use for school term dates.
External search had the top links being a different Leeds council site with the information in a .pdf document.
A-Z index entry was labelled School holidays rather than either School calendar or School term dates.
Scrutiny committee reports and minutes - find them - 2013-12-13
Finding information about any committee other than full council and the committee called Executive Committee was difficult navigating from the home page.
Taxi driver - complain about one - 2013-12-13
Couldn't find the appropriate page at all by navigation; the page search took me to was quite confusing in the amount of information it was mixing together.
Telephone number - find the main one - 2013-12-13
It seems there is no main telephone number for this council.
Trading Standards - complain about a dodgy item from a shop - 2013-12-13
As a resident, if I want to make a complaint about a trader I think I should be able to find the place to do it under Residents rather than under Business. But I couldn't find it under Business anyway.
External search takes me to a third party website which I'm unsure of how much confidence I have.
As a general point, internal search loses one's search query on the results page, making it difficult for users to modify their query in order to fine tune results.
Tree preservation order - apply for one - 2013-12-13
Result of the Google search took me to a page which suggested a .pdf download before doing it online; sparse guidance on process.
Internal search results were all .pdf documents.