Test results for Coventry City Council
According to our records, this website last had a major update on 2014-12-01 - webteam members can update this information themselves.
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Totals | Navigation | A-Z | Site search | Readability | Score | Tests | ||
Total scores | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Number of tests | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ||
Usability Index (total score ÷ number of tests) | 0 | 0 |
About the scores
Each task can be tested according to five different criteria - navigation from the home page, navigation using the A-Z directory (where present), searching on Google, searching using the site's internal search, and the readability of the page. Scores are assigned according to 10 = Very easy, 8 = Easy, 4 = Difficult, and 1 = Gave up. As more users complete any given test, the score for each aspect of each task becomes a mean average of all the individual testers scores, and thus the more tests are completed the more reliable an indication of the usability of the website can be seen. The total scores in the table are thus the sum of the averaged scores for the whole suite of tasks which have been tested.
The Usability Index is the sum of the scores of all the tests which have been carried out, divided by the number of tests which have been taken for this council, resulting in an index score between 1 and 10, with 6 being the score which a nominallly usable website with room for improvement might be expected to achieve. If any criteria have had fewer than 15 tests, or the site as a whole has had fewer than 50 individually tested items, the final Index scores are shown in a grey background to indicate insufficient testing for the result to be a reliable indicator.
The Importance column shows the mean average of how important all the testers considered the ability to complete this task to be, ranging from 0 = Unimportant to 5 = Very important.
Specific comments made about this council
Address - change mine on council systems - 2014-02-04
Everything worked and I managed to find all of the options. However, on the home navigation page, I couldn't find the Change My Address section. I looked under 'Housing' but couldn't find it anywhere. There could be a seperate link under Housing for this so that other people can find it easier. Alot of options came up when I typed in change of address so it was very specific on the internal search query. The A-Z index was very helpful because I had to look for the word change in the C section and it came up with this task. When I went onto Google, it went onto the webpage where the change of address PDF form was.
Adult education courses - find information - 2014-02-06
Very well organised and in the right section. Straight forward hence very good to locate for other users.
Antisocial behaviour - complain about it - 2014-02-06
The navigation wasn't that good because I thought (and I assume other people would also think the same) that you had to click on the 'REPORT' option but there wasn't anything about antisocial behaviour there so I searched in the 'Advice and Benefits' section and went onto 'Community Advice' and found it there. To improve, this could be in the 'REPORT' section because this is about members of the public compaining about something aswell. The A-Z and Google search methods were very easy and useful. The Internal search unlike the A-Z and Google search had no relevant options. I weren't sure which one to click on and when I clicked on it, it didn't look like the right web page. To improve, when searching for antisocial behaviour, this page should be more visble being at the top for the most relevant answer to the query. Overall, this was good because the webpages did exist and I found it eventually on the three search methods.
Blue badge - apply for one - 2014-02-05
Overall, this was quite an easy task to search for because it was all near enough straight forward. The navigation result and the internal search were the easiest. This was because on the navigation, it was under the right heading which was the 'Apply' hyperlink and then clicking on the'see more' page and it'll come up with the possible options that you could apply for. On the internal search, this was also very easy because when you searched for it, then this option was nearest to the top so it was the most relevant. The A-Z was easy because it said blue badge parking permit. To improve (this is a minor problem), they could maybe have a separate option on the A-Z saying 'Blue Badge' meaning that you could apply for it. Overall, this was an easy task to complete.
Complain about something the council has done - 2014-02-04
The navigation from the home page was easy but for other people, it may not be so eays because the other options on the side could be another colur so that they stand out more and are noticed. These boxes need to look different so that we know it isn't the same as those found on the home screen. For example, the colour could be instead of the normal blue, it could be pink or green. The A-Z, Internal and Google search were very easy.
Council housing - apply for it - 2014-02-06
This section of the website has been organised and done very well. It is not just easy but very easy for users to find the page and to apply for council housing.
Council news - find it - 2014-02-04
The website is really easy to navigate. Searching for this task was easy and was relevant because it came up with what my query was. The latest news was found just on the home page. Council News was in the A-Z section and it was all inalphabetical order so was quite easy to find. You just had to scroll to the bottom.
Council tax - pay it - 2014-02-04
Overall, searching this query was good because the most relevant information was at the top and that is how every webpage should be with the most helpful information at the top. using the A-Z was easy but not very easy because to improve, you could have headings at the top saying Ca, Cb, Cc so you know what section of the alphabet you are on and it'll be quicker to find. also when you scroll very fast, you should have headings to tell you where you are like the Ca, Cb, and Cc ones so you know when to stop. the search results for internal and google were easy. overall, it was easy to fing the query.
Council tax / housing benefit - apply - 2014-02-06
Overall, the methods above were really easy. Fot the A-Z, it is best to search for the Council Tax and Housing Benefits separately. To improve A-Z, there could be a Housing Benefits option. Otherwise, very organised and straight forward.
Councillors - find who mine are - 2014-02-06
It was all very easy on each search part to locate this section. It was vey helpful and very useful. This overall was a very good section of the web page and it was very well organised.
Councillors - find who mine are - 2014-02-27
Very easy to navigate throgh to find local councillors
Death - register one - 2014-02-04
the death registering from the home page was quite difficult because it could have been under two sections which was the 'Health' section and the 'Advice and benefits'. i found it in the advice and benefits section and then in the death/funeral section. in my opinion, this should have it's own indivudual section so it is easier to locate. the A-Z result was very easy as you were able to find it straight away in the De section. on google, there was another result before this one so it could be in order of relevance to what you search for. the internal search was very good and helpful though.
Economic condition and strategy for the area - find it - 2014-02-06
I couldn't find it anywhere. With the Internal Search result, I'm not even sure whether it was that relevant or not.
Elections - find out when the next ones are - 2014-02-06
All of these search methods were easy. They were straight forward and basic as there wasn't alot of scrolling or clicking involved. I had no problems with it.
Employment help for people with disabilities - find information on - 2014-02-04
Into the Internal Search, you should be able to enter in more characters to search for what you want. However, the option that came up was the one saying about the 'Disabled People's Employment and Training Schemes'. The A-Z was also really easy as I found what I was looking for. The Google result was also very easy as I also found what I was looking for. However, for the Home Navigation, I couldn't find this. I searched in the 'Health and Social Care' section and then went onto the 'Disabilities' section but I still couldn't find it so I looked in the 'Help for Adults' and eventually found it on the side underneath the 'Help for Adults' section.
Events - find council ones - 2014-02-04
The navigation using the homepage was quite difficult because the task could have been in a couple of options like the 'Sports and Leisure' section but it was in the 'Parking, Travel and streets' section. The A-Z results were quite easy because in the C section, Cycling was there. In the Internal Search Result, there were alot of options which made me confused and also quite a few of these were 'Adobe Acrobat' files. On Google, it was quite easy because it came up with the page straight away.
Food hygiene problem - report one - 2014-02-06
There isn't much to say because this was very staight forward and easy. On the navigation using the home page, you just had to go onto 'REPORT' which was obvious and stood out therefore easy to find. On the drop down, it said 'Food Complaints'. The A-Z was very easy because just find the letter 'F' for 'Food' and you'd find it. On the internal search, it knew what I wanted to type because when I typed in 'Food' then complaint followed on. The results for both the Internal and Google search was good and very easy because the most relevant searches/results were at the top. Either way of searching is suitable and good to use as the results are found at roughly the same speed and are very easy to find.
Freedom of Information Act request - make one - 2014-02-06
This was very easy and really well structured. I am sure other users would be able to locate it really quick as the webpage is well organised and the headings are really clear so it was easy ti distinguish between each section. Overall really good and I hadn't encountered or experienced any problems so far.
Housing repair - request one - 2014-02-04
Other than the Navigation results part, it was very easy to find this section. If you went to the housing section, you wonldn't find anything there so that wasn't good. however, it was so easy and simple to find 'House Repairs' on the A-Z Index, Internal and Google search. The navigation part needs improving but otherwise this section is alright.
Jobs - find a council job - 2014-01-09
Typing the word 'jobs' into the search field gave me a list of options. I selected 'jobs at the Council' and was taken to a page with a link to current jobs. Clicking on that link gave me the FTTP 404 - not found error message.
Jobs - find a council job - 2014-02-06
It was all quite easy. On the Internal search, there were quite alot of options so you didn't know which one to choose. However, they all seemed relevant in differnt ways and it depends on what you wanted to search for so it was very specific.
Leisure centres close to me - find one - 2014-02-06
Overall, this was a very well organised section. The links were relevant and redirected you to the right place.
Library book - renew - 2014-02-05
This task was very easy meaning that the layout of this section of the website was great! The navigation result was easy but not very easy because even though I figured it out and found this section, other people may become confused. I found this on the box on the side but to improve, this could be another coloured box or be included in the big boxes with the descriptions. The A-Z, internal and Google search results were very easy though as they were right at the top and were the most relevant to the query. Overall, very good!
Local history - find out about - 2014-02-04
All of these methods of searching were very easy. On the home navigation, you had to go into the 'Sports, Leisure and Tourism' section and there would be a box saying 'Local History' on it. This was the same with the Internal and Google search result. The A-Z index was also very easy as you had to go to the letter 'L' and then find 'Local History'.
Local library opening hours - find them - 2014-02-04
To find these in all of the above ways was quite easy. The A-Z Method had it under the letter 'L' under 'Library Opening Times'. It then came up with names of different libraries so you could find your local library opening hours. The Intenal Search Result was easy because the relevant option(s) were at the top of the page. It was the same with typing it into Google. With home navigation, there are more steps to get onto this page but it was quite easy and self explanatory so easy yto figure it out.
Missed bin collection - complain about one - 2014-02-04
for the navigation result, you has to go onto the recycling, rubbish and waste part and the onto the household waste section. the you would find the missed bin part aso it wasn't very hard to find. the A-Z result was quite easy as it has the link to 'Missed Bin'. the internal search result was good because before i had finished typing the last word (collection), it already knew what i was going to type. the google result was easy but the missed bin collection tab wasn't right at the top as there was one before it.
Missed bin collection - complain about one - 2014-03-26
Very simple to raise a query and received a response within 12 hours.
Noise nuisance - complain about it - 2014-02-04
On the top of the Google search page, there wasn't the relevant part for the noise complaints. The Navigation was the easiest as you could just go onto the Council and Democracy section and then complain to the council about it that way. The A-Z was the least helpful because there wasn't any for 'Noise Complaints'. There were complaints but once again, they weren't as relevant as the pother ones. The Internal Search result was ok though and it was more helpful and useful than the A-Z and Google result search.
Parking - find out how much it costs - 2014-02-06
This was a very easy task to complete and I'm sure that it'll be good for other users too. It was really well organised and the headings were correct. Overall, a very helpful and well structured council website
Parking fine - pay one - 2014-02-04
It was very easy because it was under the right section (about parking and streets). Under each heading when you clicked on the parking section, it gave a description so you'd know where on the webpage to go. The A-Z was very simple as it had the parking on it. Overall, this was a very good task as it was easy and everything was in the right place.
Planning application - comment on one - 2014-02-26
The links are not obvious but they are there
Planning application - comment on one - 2014-03-20
much better
Planning committee meeting - find when the next one is - 2014-02-04
the navigation result was quite easy because you had to go onto the council and democracy part which would say the council meeting if clicked on. it would give you options like the agendas. it is very specific and organised as you are able to find what you need. the A-Z result was easy because you were able to find it under Co section. the internal search was very easy because as you were typing in the word 'council' and you typed the letter 'm', it autimatically came up with a hyperlink saying 'Council Meetings' which would redirect you to the correct page. as with the google results, they were easy to search. the relevant webpage was right near to the top: just where it should be as with other websites. this section of the website was really good and easy to locate.
Planning committee meeting - find when the next one is - 2014-02-05
To improve this, they could put the 'Committee Meetings' page on the A-Z page so that it is easier for people to find this out. Also, this could be a separate option under the 'Council and Democracy' page just like the 'Council Meetings' page. In the internal search and Google search, I think I found it eventually even though on the internal search there could be a 'Did you mean...' box if you've spelt something wrong on accident.
Planning or building control violation - report one - 2014-02-04
to report the task, on the home page was a button saying report on it so when you clicked on it, it gave you a drop down of the problems but when you wanted to view more, you click on this button. it then said planning enforcement issue... and this was how to report the problem. the a-z result was easy because you would just go onto the report a problem or issue section under R and then find the problem. the internal search result was ok though because it came up with what you'd expect to find. the google result was also quite easy.
Public toilets - find them - 2014-02-04
Other than the Navigation from the home page, the rest of the methods were good to search for this task. It was straight forward but how would you know where to look for this on the navigation results page? There isn't a specific section to look in.
Regulation of children on stage, film, and television - find information - 2014-02-06
The task set could have been worded better (search too long). This council did have these pages and it was good.
School term dates - find them - 2014-02-04
The school term dates were realy easy to find. All four methods helped. To get onto the school term dates from the home page, all you had to do was go onto the 'School, Libraries and Learning' section and there will be some boxes including one that says 'Schools in Coventry' and at the bottom of the picture, it'll have a description that says that this is where you'd find the Contact details, term dates and school places. In the A-Z service, you had to search for 'School Term Dates' (under the letter 'S'). The school term date options were right at the top so you knew which ones were the relevant ones (and they wee relevant!). Overall, this page was really well organised.
Small business support - find information - 2013-12-24
Unclear what is meant by 'support' (Advice? Grants? Loans?)
Small business support - find information - 2014-02-06
This was a very easy task to search apart from the A-Z (that could have been more specific). There could have been a heading saying 'Business Support' but there wasn't. Instead, it said other ones and you didn't know which one to click on. The most relevant ones came at the top of the Internal and Google searches so it was easy. The Naviagtion home page result was very easy even though there was alot of straight forward clicking. It was well organised and in the section you'd expect it to be in (The 'Business and Licensing ' one). Just the A-Z needs improving but I assume most people wouldn't pick this as the first method but would do the Google search or the Internal search as the first ones followed by the Naviagation result and then the A-Z (which was the least helpful of the four).
Social media accounts - find them - 2014-02-06
The Navigation from the home page was the easiest because they were all listed right at the bottom of the web page. you just had to scroll: no clicking involved! The A-Z, Internal and Google searches were easy and straight forward. For A-Z, you had to look for 'Social Media' in 'S'. The relevant options were at the top of the search results. Overall, the quickest search method to use would be the 'Navigation Result' as all you need to do is scroll right down to the bottom of the screen.
Sustainability and climate change - find information on - 2014-02-06
On Google search the relevant information was right at the top making it easier for me to search for it. It was sort of the same with the internal search because they were quite relevant but the page had options of what to click on as PDF files. On the navigation, I weren't really sure where to start looking for it so I gave up. This could be in a separate section or one on it's own. On the A-Z, I found sustainability and climate change. It is better to search for sustainability and climate change separately rather them both together because they are both separate things. This could be because the task could have been worded better or be separate like one for sustainability and one for climate change. Overall, a very good search!
Taxi driver - complain about one - 2014-02-06
The navigation result was easy but for other people, it may not be so easy so what they could do to improve it is have a separate heading or box in that same section saying 'Taxi Complaints'. However, saying this, it wasn't a problem. It was very straight forward and alomst anybody could figure this one out!
Taxi licence - apply for one - 2014-02-06
Because I've stated that they were very easy, this part of the web was very well organised and structured. Everything was in specific headings so there isn't much to say apart from that it was a really easy and straight forward task.
Taxi licence - apply for one - 2014-02-27
There is no online form for this. The reason for this as per the website is 'the applicant is still required to contact the Taxi Licensing Office to be sent an application form to submit with their application in person at the Taxi Licensing Office'. If this is statutory then fair enough but if it can be changed to pure web form it would be a much more elegant (and quicker and cheaper) process.
Telephone number - find the main one - 2014-02-05
Apart from the Internal search result, the rest of the searching methods were very easy and were organised in the correct sections very well. On the navigation using the home page, it was really easy to notice it because there was a 'Contact Us' button right at the top of the home page and it gave other details as well as the phone number. On the A-Z, I searched under contacts and I found it. The Google result was also very easy as this option was near to the top and it was the most relevant. Apsrt from the internal search rsult (that can do with improving), the rest of the methods were very good and easy to use.
Telephone number - find the main one - 2014-02-05
Apart from the Internal search result, the rest of the searching methods were very easy and were organised in the correct sections very well. On the navigation using the home page, it was really easy to notice it because there was a 'Contact Us' button right at the top of the home page and it gave other details as well as the phone number. On the A-Z, I searched under contacts and I found it. The Google result was also very easy as this option was near to the top and it was the most relevant. Apsrt from the internal search rsult (that can do with improving), the rest of the methods were very good and easy to use.
Trading Standards - complain about a dodgy item from a shop - 2014-02-05
This task was so difficult that i ended up giving up trying to find it. There should be another option in the 'Comments, Compliments and Complaints' section about the person entering their own complaint in. Each way I tried to search, I gave up as I couldn't find anything to do with this. :(
Travellers - find information about them - 2014-02-05
The most helpful ways to search for this query was by navigation through the home page, Internal and Google search. These were rated as easy. However, the A-Z search was difficult but I got there in the end. I searched through the 'T' section for travellers but wasn't sure wich part to go on. On the other three helpful searches, I managed to find relevant information for travellers. To improve the A-Z section, they could put another heading like 'Traveller information' so it would be easier to find it.
Tree preservation order - apply for one - 2014-02-04
the navigation result was almost impossible. i went into the apply section and couldn't find the task anywhere, even when i expanded the apply page. however, the other three methods were alot easier as i found what i was looking for. in the internal search results part, before i finished typing the second word, the hyperlink came up. to improve the home page navigation part, you could add the Tree Preservation Orders to the apply section or make them more visible.
Unitary Development Plan / Local Development Plan - find it - 2014-02-06
This task was really easy to complete and also very quick. This was because the webpage was really well organised and everything was in the right place of relevance. I had no problems at all finding this.
Vulnerable adult - express concern about one - 2014-02-05
The navigation result was quite easy because I was certain that you hasd to go into the 'Health and Social Care' section. I went onto 'Help for Adults' but couldn't find it so I went into the safeguarding section and eventuall found it. However, I still think that it was easy to find as I was certain it would be in that section. However, on the A-Z, I didn't know what to look for so I eventually gave up when I tried looking in the 'C' section for 'Concern'. The Internal and Google search were the easiest hence they are in 'Very Easy'. These were relevant and the most helpful. Overall, the only one that needed improving on was the A-Z search method. Not bad though!
Watch a webcast of a recent council or committee meeting - 2014-02-05
Overall, finding the given task was very easy. On a scale of 1-10, it would be a 10. The steps were near enough straight forward making it easy to navigate and locate it.
Watch a webcast of a recent council or committee meeting - 2014-02-11
No quick link from council meetings page on the site, you end up having to click on "council meetings" twice to get to it!
Welfare reform - find information about - 2014-02-05
On the navigation, I thought that you had to look in the 'Advice and Benefits' section but there wasn't anything saying about 'Welfare Reform'. There was an option saying 'Animal Welfare'. To improve, they could have a separate box saying 'Welfare Reform' so it is easier for other people interested to find. The same could happen with the A-Z. However, the internal ang Google search were the easiest ones as they were the most helpful and the most specific/relevant.
Youth clubs in the area - find information - 2014-02-04
Apart from the navigation result (which was difficult), it was quite easy to find Youth clubs near you in your postcode. It was very specific as it asked the postcode so for example by clicking on CV6, it gave you youith clubs in that area. Overall, this is very good but they need to be more clear on the youth clubs and which section they'll be. This could fall into two categories (Sport, Leisure and Tourism and School/Learning). However, through the navigation, you were still able to find it so it was ok.